Live Music Must Support Our Trans Family

The Diffraction wholeheartedly supports trans people and is filled with absolute disgust at the brazen quest from The Trump Administration to erase their existence.

The only truism about politics is there is no escaping it. I could drone on and one, but you feel it in your bones. Every action we take takes on a political dimension. I support we can lessen our focus on overtly political events and perspectives. But, for instance, whether I do something as innocuous as buy a economy super pack of strawberries at Wal-Mart, instead of from a local grocer contains within political implications and ramifications, even if they don't jump up at you.

It is in that spirit that I convey this is not intended to be an incredibly overt political publication, but forces intercede.

The Diffraction wholeheartedly supports trans people and is filled with absolute disgust at the brazen and, I should hope, illegal in many parts, quest from The Trump Administration to erase their existence. There will be many battles fought on this front, and it is a worrying sign how many institutions of ours have already ceded territory.

This cannot happen in live music, from the independent venues to the those backed or owned by Live Nation. We must show solidarity that trans people are welcome and celebrated at all shows.

That includes whatever bathroom policies make sense for the venue - many of which have been ahead of the curve with unisex or whatever you feel comfortable with approaches.

Bookers must continue to book trans acts, many of whom put on an amazing show, so this should not be of major consequence. Everyone should be welcome at shows. We need to band together to protect our trans family should the opposition get emboldened and start making trouble at events where there is likely to be a prominent trans and ally contingent.

There will be much more to do and say, but we acknowledge this will be a fight. I know we're all tired of saying "progress is never linear," but it's the truth and moments like this remind us.

Sure, there will be more important venues to protect, but let's be clear-eyed that it will take a unified front everywhere.